Easy Colourful Clutch Purse

As the Summer months pass by, there is nothing better than making a crochet purse with bright and different colours. This cute Colourful Clutch Purse is very easy to make since it is Beginner friendly.


This had once been a WIP that I had set aside a long time ago. Know I felt determined to finish off what I started.IMG_0829 (1)

Because of its simple yet stylish design, it can be a gift for anyone in your list.  Be creative and generous in playing with colours and yarns.  feel free to make them in different colours and sizes.IMG_0831 (2)

In addition to being stylish and simple, this wonderful Clutch Purse is also suitable for a scrap yarn project to use all your colourful yarn stash! So grab your hook and yarn and let’s get started!


Crochet Hook ( I used a 4.50mm)

Yarn (I just used scrap yarns for this project, but you can use anything that fits your hook)





Every chain 1 in the beginning of each round does not count as a stitch

you can make this bag wider or shorter by increasing or decreasing your chain stitches

If you do not like to have a seam of slip stitches you can just make single crochet all the way across without making slip stitches. Just remember to mark the first single crochet you make with a stitch marker.



sl-slip stitch

sc-single crochet

ch-chain stitch


With main colour, ch 30

Row 1: make 1 sc on the 2nd ch from the hook. make one sc on each ch. Make 3 sc on the last ch. Turn your work upside down and work 1 sc on each ch across.  On the ch of our 1st sc, make 2 more sc on that ch and sl to the first sc. (60 sts)

Row 2: ch 1 and make sc on the first st. Make 1 sc one every st across. sl  to 1st sc (60 sts)

Row 3-21: ch 1 and make one sc on each st all the way across and sl to the 1st st. (60sts) When you are done sl to the first st. (you can change colour whenever you like and you can also make the bag taller by adding more rows.)

For the cover flap

Row 22: Ch 1 sc on each st until you have 28 sc ( or if you changed your number of ch, just make sc until you are half way in your bag) (28 sts)

Row 23:Ch 1 and turn your work. Make sc in each of your st. (28sts)

Row 24: Repeat Row 23 (28sts)

Row 25: Ch1 and turn your work. Make a decrease on the first two st. Then make sc all the way until you have two st left. Make a decrease again on the last two st.(26sts)

Row 26-34: Repeat Row 25 (Again you can change colours during this rounds)

Row 35: Ch1 turn your work and make 1 sc on the next 3 st. Ch 3, skip 2 st. and  make 1 sc on the next st and across. On the last st, make 2 sc then make sc down the sides of the flap until you get back to Row 21.  Just keep on making sc until you come to the other side of the flap and make sc again there. Make 1 sc on the st where we made the 1st sc then sl to that 1st sc. Ch1 and fasten off.

The Bag straps

(Make a long tail on the slip knot)

Ch 4

Row 1: Make a sc on the 2nd ch from the hook. Make sc on every ch across. (3sts)

Row 2: Ch 1 turn your work and make sc on each of the st. (3sts)

Row 3-48 : Repeat Row 2 (3sts)

(Change colours whenever you like)

Ch 1 and fasten off with a long tail to sew with.

Assembly step:

Sew in the bag straps from the inside in one end. Also sew in the button and enjoy!

( you may sell items made from my pattern. Please remember to link back to my website Crochetiveness.wordpress.com )

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