Freestyle All Seasons Scarf

As the name suggests, the project that we are making next is a freestyle, all seasonal, scarf. This scarf has a loose and lacy design that uses the simple cluster stitch and is perfect for the cool evening activities. Yet, since this is freestyle, you can make this into a chunky, thick and warm scarf by adding more stitches or using a thicker yarn.

This scarf is perfect for the upcoming spring and also perfect for a friend who just love wearing scarves. You can also make it into an infinity scarf by joining the ends afterwards. This pattern is repetitive. So this is very easy to make and takes not much time depending on how long or short you want this to be. So by using your creativity, you can upgrade your outfit into the next level. What are you waiting for? Grab your hook and yarn, and start crocheting!


  • If you want the width of your scarf to be wider, add more ch at the beginning.
  • If you have a different number of ch than in the pattern, you do not need to follow the stitch numbers in the parenthesis after each row in the pattern
  • The ch 1 (or 2) at the beginning of each row does NOT count as a stitch.
  • You can use any type of yarn and hook size according to your preference. The yarn and hook in the materials, is just the ones that I used.
  • The Cluster stitch for this pattern is composed of 2 incomplete dc and then completed in the last step: (yarn over, insert hook on the st, yarn over and pull through, 3 loops on the hook, yarn over and pull through 2 loops, yarn over and insert your hook on the same stitch, yarn over and pull through, yarn over and pull through two loops, finally, yarn over and pull through all three loops)


No. 4 worsted weight yarn

7. 0 mm








Ch1sp- chain 1 space

Cl-cluster stitch

Hdc-half double crochet


Ch 17

Row 1: Make a cl on the 3rd ch from the hook. *Ch 1, sk a st, and make a cl on next ch. Repeat from* (8 sts)

Row 2: Ch 1 and turn your work. Make a hdc on the 1st st of this row. On the ch1sp, make a cl. *ch 1 and make a cl on the next ch1sp. Repeat from* make a hdc on the last st of this row. (9sts)

Row 3: Ch 2 and turn your work. Make a cl on the 1st st, ch 1 and make a cl on the next ch1sp. * Ch 1 and make a cl on the next ch1sp. Repeat* after the making a cl on the last ch1sp, ch 1 and make a  cl on the last st of the row. (8 sts)

Row 4-56: Repeat rows 2-3 until you get to the length of the scarf that you like. (Tip: when your row is an even number, Repeat row 2, if it’s an odd number, repeat row 3) Be sure to end with an even numbered row Get creative and change colors whenever you like.

After that, ch 1 and fasten off ( if you want to make an infinity scarf, fasten off with a long tail and weave both ends of the scarf together. If not, just fasten off with a short tail and weave in the ends. Put tassels if desired)

( Please do not copy and paste, post in a different website, or sell my patterns and calling it your own. You may sell items made from my pattern. Please remember to link back to my website )

And that’s it! I hope you had a great time making this. If you have any questions, comment down below or go to the contacts page. Until next time!

Happy Crocheting!

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